Say yes to getting free from the anxiety that keeps you trapped!

Is fear and worry keeping you from doing the things you want to do?

Does daily life seem to be spinning with no end in sight?

Say yes to getting help to reduce stress, enjoy life and thrive.


Anxiety, stress, depression and worry can rob you of your enjoyment and hold you a prisoner to fear.  You may find your body being tense, aches in your shoulders and back of your neck, chest pains, rapid heart beat and difficulty breathing at tiimes. Not only does your body react to anxiety, your whole self reacts, your mental, emotional and spiritual being. You live life worrying about the "what ifs." Past trauma can cause you to fear the future. That "fight flight" mechanism in your brain is overworked.  Brainspotting along with other brain-based therapies can set you free. 

I will teach you proven tools to calm the fears, reduce stress and provide a sense of peace.

Using brain-based tools will help you learn to work with the anxiety. You may have tried to work against the fears with no luck. Yep, working against the anxiety actually fuels it. I help you use tools that work with it and that's the key to not only manage but extinquish the fears, worry, stress. 

You can have your life back and enjoy it once again.


Contact me for your free 15 minute consultation.